Cardano tokens

Please use this topic for reporting issues with identifying correct Cardano tokens.

We can fix all issues related to identifying correct token by providing us the following information:

NB! We need the token address and not the policy id. Example of link to Cardanoscan for ADAX: Token ADAX - Cardanoscan

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Here are two more tokens that need to be added!

MIN: Token MIN - Cardanoscan
MINt: Token MINt - Cardanoscan

Quick note on this one…there’s actually a VYFI v2…this is V1 and cannot be subdivided into decimals. I can’t post a third link and the post I tried to add that included it got blocked as spam :frowning:

cNETA: Token cNETA - Cardanoscan
VYFI v1: Token VyFi - Cardanoscan

please update XRAY token pricing to reflect new policy id as it underwent a token swap event

Token XRAY - Token address for New Token Policy

It looks like XRAY was unlisted from Coingecko. We only have price data up until Nov 4, 2022.
We will add current price data for XRAY as soon as it becomes available.

They did a token swap to a new policy I’d. the old X-ray is no longer valid

It looks like the “new” token was not re-listed on Coingecko. Unforunately, this means that the price will be missing in Coinpanda, for new XRAY transactions.

If you reach out to us via support chat, we could check the transaction data and make sure that the cost-basis is carried over to the new Xray transactions

Sometimes the swap event will show up as a Trade transaction between the old and new token, in which case you can edit the transaction and apply the “SWAP” label to carry over the cost-basis.

But if such a trade transaction was not imported, then you should create it manually