Dashboard Improvements

Thanks for these suggestions. Some comments:

  1. This is technically possible but will require some changes to the backend portfolio calculation. I am not sure if this is something a lot of users actually would use, but we will brainstorm some ideas to see how we can implement this in the best way.

  2. The tax harvesting page hasn’t been updated in over 1,5 years, so that definitely needs an overhaul. Adding this to the Dashboard page makes a lot of sense and we will explore different options for this.

  3. We have been planning to add support for automatic syncs, but it has not been a priority yet since we are working on many other important and big backend updates. This feature will definitely come next year, but I can’t say if it will be in Q1 or Q2 as of now. This is also a feature that will take time to complete because it will require us to make significant changes to our entire backend infrastructure.

We will post updates when we have anything to share later!

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