Portfolio total cost - frequency of the update

I just noticed that my portfolio cost is not updating while assets are. Isn’t it realtime updating?


Hi Viktar

The total cost of your assets is calculated from the imported transaction data. It’s essentially based on historical data, so it doesn’t change in real time.
It will only change if transactions are changed, removed or added, which will cause the cost to be recalculated.

Unless you are referring to the total Value above the graph, which updates once per day. I believe it uses the 24 average price for each token in your calculated balance


The portfolio tracker seems to be malfunctioning, as the Total Value fluctuates randomly every day, showing variations of hundreds of percent up and down.

In addition to fixing the portfolio tracker, it would be beneficial to have at least hourly updates, if not real-time, to accurately reflect the actual 24-hour portfolio price change.


It looks like you shared the same message in two different forum posts. I just responded to your other post as well with the same response. Please message us in the chat once logged in & we’ll be able to check your account and see what is causing this for you. Thank you