Staked Solana funds should show as part of your wallet total

When you stake funds in Solana coins they no longer show as part of your wallet total. I think they should, though, and other currencies do show in your wallet on CoinPanda when they are staked so it would be consistent.They are technically staked elsewhere I think but ultimately they still belong to you so I think it makes sense to see them as part of your wallet funds.


From a tax perspective you still want to claim that you posses the staked tokens. If you add an address that does not contain your staked tokens then they would not import of course. But if some staked tokens are being imported but others are not, then yes everything should be consistent you are right. If there is an error we’ll need to check your address and check the wallet import view on your account. Can you please message us in the chat once logged in? That way we can check this for you