Tokens missing


I have bought a number of tokens that aren’t represented in CoinPanda. They are the following:
-Blockchain Monster Hunt (BCMC)
-Xaya (wCHI)
-Bombcrypto (BCOIN)
-Sin City Metaverse (Sin…this has been confused with the coin ‘Sinovate’ in your system)
-Placewar (PLACE)
-Elemon (ELMON)
-Benqi (QI)
-Good Gamers Guild (GGG)
-Ardana (DANA)
-PolkaFoundry (PKF)
-PolkaWar (PWAR)
-Sylo (SYLO)

I haven’t completed my taxes so not sure if others, will post more if this is the case.

Thank you,

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UniX Gaming (UNIX) also not in the system

Hi there,

I’ve added the following tokens to the database. In the cases where there are tokens with the same ticker you can just manually change the token. For duplicates we usually set the default token to whatever token has the most trading volume.

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Benqi and Dana are not added, the rest are added. I’m guessing there’s an issue with Benqi being on AVAX chain and Dana being on the Cardano chain?


Sorry, hope you don’t mind if I see some more coins I bought that aren’t there. These are BSC gaming coins that aren’t in the system:
-Chain Games (CHAIN): 0x35de111558f691f77f791fb0c08b2d6b931a9d47
-Atari Coin (ATRI) : 0xc0c6e4c6e70c6231b20979bda581a66f062a7967
-Realm (REALM): 0x464fdb8affc9bac185a7393fd4298137866dcfb8
-Xaya (Chi) : 0x22648c12acd87912ea1710357b1302c6a4154ebc